Rogers Road Bridge (over Lykins Channel)

Longmont, Colorado


Project Description

An agreement between a private commercial/industrial development owner and the City allowed the private developer to relocate the Public Collector from the private site across the flood channel and onto City property. The private developer agreed to design and construct the bridge necessary to move the public road onto City property. Time constraints required the private developer to utilize design-build civil services for the design and construction of the project. Western Engineering Consultants (WEC) founders provided the Hec Ras channel design analysis necessary to horizontally and vertically locate the proposed bridge. The design cross section necessary to not adversely effect the original floodplain design required six 8’ by 16’ wide box culvert cells. WEC founders performed the scour analysis that detailed the requirements necessary for the structural bridge engineer to complete the bridge foundation design. They also provided the design and construction documents necessary to make the channel modifications upstream and downstream of the proposed bridge. An existing irrigation facility required relocating since the north side of the flood channel was widened. WEC founders provided construction observation services of the flood channel modifications, roadway improvements, and irrigation facility relocations.



Biomedical Pharmaceutical Company


If you have additional questions regarding our services or if you would like to schedule a meeting, please give us a call at 720-685-9951.