Recreation Center Bridge Replacement

Brighton, Colorado


Project Description

Gary Wardle, Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Brighton, approached Western Engineering Consultants (WEC) about a pedestrian/emergency vehicle bridge replacement project at the City of Brighton Recreation Center on 11th Avenue. WEC had worked on numerous capital improvement projects and the City of Brighton decided this was a project for WEC. Upon analyzing the existing bridge abutments for stability and construction, the city contracted with Big R Manufacturers out of Greeley, Colorado for the design and construction of the new steel bridge. WEC produced construction documents, bid the project out to bridge contractors and handled construction management. WEC was hired for its expertise of completing development in the City of Brighton and having a close working relationship with City staff.



Planning and engineering services

Project Cost

$4,500 Consulting
$25,000 Construction


City of Bridgton Parks & Recreation Department



The City of Brighton Parks & Recreation Department hired WEC to complete an analysis of the existing bridge abutments and to contract with a bridge contractor for replacing the existing wooden bridge contractor for replacing the existing wooden bridge as shown in the photograph to the right. The completed, installed bridge is shown in the picture above. The progression of setting and installing the bridge is depicted in the pictures below.


If you have additional questions regarding our services or if you would like to schedule a meeting, please give us a call at 720-685-9951.