WEC staff served on 7 phases and 8,650 lineal feet of the North St. Vrain Pipeline Replacement for the City of Longmont Water and Wastewater Department for the past 12 years. This project was a unique replacement and re-routing (when necessary) of a 50-year-old pipeline that traversed an old railroad right of way through the middle of the Town of Lyons, in and out of CDOT ROW. Significant utility locating, non-destructive potholing, and mapping was required prior to the redesign of the existing pipeline. This project was further constrained by the irrigation season as it was the primary winter raw water supply pipeline for the City of Longmont. Thus work typically could only begin after irrigation season began and had to be completed prior to the end of the irrigation season (April to October).
Project Cost
$1.6 Million
City of Longmont Water and Wastewater Department